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We are very thankful to our Distributors and Dealers for their support of DRI Products!
Prime Distributors:
​BGP Growers, LLC.
Bloemhof Giangiorgi Pflum
3410 Voyager Circle
San Diego, CA 93210
(619) 851-0497
Deep Root Distribution, LLC
"Your #1 Destination for DRI sales and support"
Walter Peterson (805) 689-7557
Chad Rice (209) 648-4371
Deep Root Revolution, LLC.
1192 Maple Lane
Building "B"
Calistoga, CA 94515
Phone: +1(707) 963-8788
Deep Root Solutions, LLC.
Jeremiah Ciudaj
Irrigation Technologies, LLC
Steve Bugay
Phone: +1(888)983-1629

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